Friday, October 25, 2013

Sweet words

It was my birthday last month and I got the most wonderful selection of cards this year. I know I wrote about cards quite recently, but it turns out I'm a bigger fan of them than I originally realised. I thought I would share the two above because not only were the insides magical and tear-inducing, but I think we can see that the outsides are absolutely super!

The text on the first one (if you can't read it) reads "From little things big things grow". This was given to me by my older cousin who has watched me grow up and been a role model to me my whole life. She wrote such lovely words inside which made me feel incredibly lucky to have such wonderful family.

The second card is from a best friend of mine and I suppose is fairly self-explanatory!

Other things that you may have spotted above are the photos of Mike and I in Prague and my Mum and I at graduation - two of my favourite photos because they represent such good times. There's also a pile of books, including Alexa Chung's "IT" which I am reserving for a rainy day which I can wear a onesie, curl up under the duvet with extra blankets, a big mug of mint tea and not think about doing anything else. I have loved the little bits of it I have already read and I noticed that Christina and Charlotte both pretty much loved it so I am looking forward to reading this without distractions. Right now I feel like my mind can't dedicate all its attention on one thing, so I'll save Alexa Chung's little world for a day when it can.

Let me know what you're looking forward to doing on your next day off :)
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  1. Enjoy the book! xx

  2. Love this post, really enjoying your blog lately (well ever since we 'met' lol) and i also really appreciate a good card, font, verses and all. I also love spending ages finding the perfect card for the perfect person. And chopping up old cards to put onto moodboards. Its a little bit of heaven xxxx
